
Offering cohesive guidance towards a happy, healthy lifestyle combining clean eating, pilates, and integrative nutrition health coaching to help you feel and look your best!

Health Coaching

As an integrative nutrition health coach, Angel works closely with clients to address diet and lifestyle factors that could be impacting their health and wellbeing.  Angel customizes individual plans and guides clients with proper nutrition, exercise, and balance.  In combination with the AngelCleanse Reset, AngelLife subscription meals delivered and PilatesAngel, clients will be offered support and regular check-ins during the week or month depending on their selected program to ensure progress towards targeted health goals.  Wellness coaching incorporates an overall understanding of the client’s global lifestyle, schedule, background, and more.  Angel will get to know her clients intimately and not only discuss nutrition, but herbs, supplement support, breathing techniques, movement, shopping lists, food labels, grocery shopping, and all aspects of a client’s life that affects their wellbeing. Angel was a cheerleader her whole life and she will be yours on your PERSONAL concierge path to the TRUE YOU!

Health Coach Bio

Angel Maffei graduated from the world renown INSTITUTE OF INTEGRATIVE NUTRITION (IIN) in New York in 2020, earning a comprehensive health education from the most respected online health coaching and nutrition school in the world.

In addition to graduating from IIN, Angel had completed the Advanced Gut Health Course and is a Certified Gluten Free Health Practitioner. In addition, Angel has her Advanced Hormone Health Certificate through IIN.

Health Coaching

What does a health coach do?

A health coach gets you “unstuck” by helping you figure out what’s keeping you from reaching your health goals. Your coach regularly checks in with you by email, remotely or in-person meetings, usually over the course of three months. During those conversations, a health coach asks questions to get you thinking about how you can overcome challenges. Lasting change takes time, and it’s necessary to create a new “groove” so to speak in order to sustain your desired results. Health coaches literally coach you back to your truest nature=HEALTHY.

Find all of the forms you need to start your journey guided by a professional health coach!

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You just made an extraordinary commitment to your health and wellness.
Over the next several months we will work together to create the goals
you set into existence for yourself and your life.

During our sessions we will determine what goals you want to achieve and
formulate attainable action plans. I will support you by providing guidance,
encouragement, and holding you accountable to your word. Since most
of this program occurs outside of our sessions, namely your everyday life,
the results are really up to you.

Please read and sign the following agreement:

I am committed to my own personal health and wellness. With this commitment I give my word to:

  • Be coachable

  • Be open to new foods, concepts, and exercises

  • Fulfill on the commitments I make

  • Eat nourishing foods according to the guidance of my Health Coach

  • Exercise according to the guidance of my Health Coach

  • Work with my Health Coach to find a healthy balance

  • Give gratitude in the relationships in my life

  • Develop a listening to my body’s wants and needs

  • Powerfully deal with the stressors in my life

  • Begin and end our sessions on time

Sign Here as a NEW client!

Medical Advice Disclaimer

The information, including but not limited to: text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational
ONLY. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always
seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical
condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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